Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Something New

Joel and I discovered something new that Jefferson likes last night. We had gone to dinner at Ming's, a yummy Chinese restaurant that we love downtown. Jefferson was so tired and I had him asleep before we left but when I put him in his car seat he woke up. So I was worried about entertaining him while we were eating but Joel found the perfect thing. I have to give you a little bit of back ground first though. About three months ago Jefferson decided that he didn't like his binky and it made him mad when we would try to give it to him. While we were camping I pulled the binky out of the diaper bag to let him play with and he chewed on it for a while. So last night at dinner he had been playing with it and Joel dipped it the sweet and sour sauce. Jefferson thought that was great and sucked on it for over five minutes before he took it out, looked at it, and put it back in his mouth. We did it a few times during dinner and he loved it every time. We started him on baby food and cereal about two months ago and I love to see how he reacts to new things. When I bought baby food last time they had "pineapple glazed ham" he hasn't tried it yet but we'll see how he like it. I didn't have my camera last night to take pictures but here are some cute one of him eating.

Notice his cute little bib, Em got it for him right after he was born and it says "I'm the Little Brother". Speaking of Emylee, she gets home tonight and we are all so excited. I didn't think she was coming home till the fifteenth so I was pleasantly surprised when we found out she was flying in tonight. We have all totally missed her and Jefferson is going to be so excited to see her. I have chicken in the crock pot for dinner tonight because it's one of Em's favorite, it's so nice to go home and already have dinner cooking.