Monday, July 7, 2008

Fun Long Weekend

It was so nice to have a day off and to get to spend it with family. On July 3rd they actually have fireworks in Rigby, so Joel, Em, Jefferson and I all headed to my Uncle Mitch's house and watched the fireworks from his backyard. Jefferson loved them, he started looking around when he heard the first bang and then didn't take his eyes off of them until he feel asleep. On the 4th we headed to Rigby again and Joel went golfing with and brother, Matt while I went to Aunt Marian's. Everybody played in the drybed and then we had a bbq. It was a perfect day because it was slightly overcast so it wasn't too hot and we were able to be outside and enjoy ourselves. Then we headed back to Idaho Falls for round two of the fireworks. Jefferson wasn't as thrilled the second time around because he was so tired, he had only slept for about an hour and half all day. On Saturday we hung out at home, I did laundry and Joel worked in the yard. Then we went back to Rigby again and had dinner with Joel's parents, Matt, Sam and Savanna. On Sunday after church Joel decided we needed to invite my parents to dinner, luckily they came to our house so we had one day where we didn't go to Rigby. I love that we have so much family close by and get to spend time with them, but it also makes me sad that not everyone can be here. It's been a while since I shared some pictures, so here are some of Jefferson enjoying the nice summer weather.

I hope everyone else loved their fourth of July weekend as much as I did and is enjoying this great summer.


Jas & Stephie said...

O'h my heck!!!! Jefferson couldn't be any cuter! Those sunglasses are awesome!!!

Brecca said...

I love these pictures! Thanks for sharing. Jefferson is the cutest ever. I'm grateful to have my family close also. It's awesome we get to see them so often.